<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://ct.pinterest.com/v3/?event=init&amp;tid=2620548198183&amp;pd[em]=<hashed_email_address>&amp;noscript=1">

A pull towards methods of production that require patience and control, offline creativity quiets the noise by bringing focus and intent back into the forefront. Teleport to the calmness of a tactile time.

Why it's trending

The rejection of the fast and furious in favor of the quiet stillness is a growing reaction to the obscene quantity of mindless media in the digital frontier. There is more of everything. Notifications are relentless. The populace has been trained to context switch in a chaotic flurry of unfocused content ingestion. People need to retreat to digital-free creative outlets now more than ever to remember what makes us human and what makes life enjoyable and beautiful.

209% increase

in sales of illustrations tagged


88% increase

in people searching for 


83% increase

in people searching for 


What it looks like

  • Analog technology
  • Blur and grain
  • Vintage, up-cycling, pre-loved premium
  • Conscious calm
  • Illustrations and tactile creativity
  • Pre-digital era nostalgia
  • Outdoor leisure
Layout of soft, warm, sincere photographs – grandmother and child, livestock in a farm field, a silhouetted man in water at sunset, a couple's feet

Think: a thoughtful handwritten note, rather than the imperative all-caps, underlined, bold, and imperative messaging of the mediascape. Touch on sweet moments, mellow color palettes, buttery light, and scenes that hint at memory and reflection. Don’t forget outdoor settings and regenerative reprieves in wifi-absent nature.

The use of film in both photos and videos emphasizes a vintage and authentic feel while specific analog techniques like soft blurs add a dreamy, atmospheric quality. Research your audience and find out what nostalgia and reprieve mean to them.

Explore stocksy.com for more soft touches and calming content.