<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://ct.pinterest.com/v3/?event=init&amp;tid=2620548198183&amp;pd[em]=<hashed_email_address>&amp;noscript=1">

The collective realization of a broken system is accompanied by a move toward honesty, transparency, and the necessity for collective action. Consciousness is no longer in conflict with consumer needs. Sustainable, ethical choices and lifestyles will get baked into everything. Enter the era of awareness.

Why it's trending

Compounding bad news, wars, epidemics, economic downturns, attacks on human rights, rising costs of living. These are shared, long-term anxieties for most of the population now, and there’s no option to ignore them anymore. 

91% increase

in people searching for


214% increase

in people searching for


54% increase

in people searching for


What it looks like

  • Honest over aspirational
  • Documentary-style
  • Personal POV
  • Tell the story from the ground
  • Community service
  • Communal living
  • Sharing economy
Layout of climate-change and human adaptation related photographs and illustrations

Empathize with hard truths by being transparent, not alarmist. Brands can embrace honesty over perfectionism and avoidance. Customers are setting higher standards for companies but are also forgiving — progress is valued. Acceptance is often the precursor to initiating positive change. Mirror the paradigm shift from individualism toward community aspiration and communal-minded consumer needs. 

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